1 October 2007

Choices have Consequences

Yesterday at Church my pastor preached on Galatians 6:7, ‘a man shall reap what he sows’. Basically, the choices that we make now will determine what our lives will be like ten years from now, and the choices that we made ten years ago are largely responsible for the way our lives are today. This is obvious in some areas of life, like careers, but the rule holds true in every other area as well. It is especially important in relation to the development of character, because the choices we make, and the habits we form, fix our characters for life. For teenagers this is a really crucial issue. The world says ‘Have fun, enjoy yourself, don’t take any responsibility, just live for yourself all the time’, and it is so easy to believe the lie that this will not have any long term consequences. But it will!! If our teenager years are spent forming bad habits of laziness, self-indulgence and self-centredness, then we will be stuck with those traits for life. It may seem possible to get away with it now, to live as if there is no tomorrow, but ultimately everyone reaps the consequences of their choices and actions. The Bible sets a very high standard for Christians, and teenagers are no exception. We are to be ‘imitators of God’ not imitators of the world. So spend your teen years developing a godly character, not conforming to the world’s low standards and values.